Indian festival


Home to different religions, cultures, traditions India is the best country which brings the best feeling of positive energy of celebration of festivals with a mix in culture. India is a land of diversity, be it culture, custom, topographical, traditions, languages. 1000's of festivals being celebrated here is a mark of acceptance and its rich culture and behavior. In spite of all differences in religion, culture, languages, we, the people of India celebrate our happiness through different festivals with songs, dances, rituals, the ceremony's throughout the year. These festivals are testimonials to our diverse culture and tradition. We have many festivals being celebrated in different seasons and there are many reasons for those festivals being celebrated on those seasons.

Festivals here revolves around seasonal changes, traditional facts, relationship, and many more. 

Festivals are celebrated irrespective of caste, religion, color, or creed. These celebrations are one chance for people to share happiness and a strong bond of humanity, love, and dedication.
A child from its childhood witness celebrations at home. With this, a child understands its rituals and meaning of each act or ritual performed by elders at home. They develop a feeling of happiness while being part of this celebration. As they grow older, they also follow the same rituals performed by their parents with pride and happiness. Thus, our cultures keep on moving from one generation to another, which maintains a strong bond among each generation and get entire nation connectivity through the festivals. Here all celebrate their religion with full enthusiasm. Many schools celebrate these festivals exchanging inter-religion cultures, which provides intercultural learning experience platform for our kids. Hence a feeling of oneness, patriotism develops in little brains of kids.
The festival celebration is a gift to us from our elders and ancestors. With their help, we have witnessed various celebrations in different seasons. As we travel from north to south we see a difference in culture, mode of behavior, and customs. Though some festivals come on the same day of a different culture, again there is a reason behind each difference.

Months also play a very important role in each festival celebrations, and they all have different reasons. Even the food, ornaments, dresses, crops, flowers used in these festivals have their own importance and reason.
Earlier our ancestors used to celebrate every day as a festival as they had many reasons to celebrate and share their happiness. Now with a busy schedule, we can only manage to celebrate hand pick of festivals. 

From our next article, we will cover each and every festival of all religions and would love to share the meaning of each festival along with the reason for the celebration.

Our festivals teach us a lifestyle to live every day with happiness and togetherness and enjoying each moment with our family and relatives.
Lets deep dive into our vert own rich and vibrant culture to understand our soil from close.


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