COVID-19- A New Normal

Coronavirus is spreading day by with many changes in its structure. We must not deny the fact we will have to live with coronavirus for more months or maybe a year and must not panic. Let us unite together to learn about it.

We must learn to live with this very fact of living with this virus but safely and without fear. There are few fact checks on the coronavirus.


1. You cannot destroy this virus that has penetrated cell walls, so we have to get an alternative like a vaccine or medicine, but for the time these vaccines or medicines come we need to maintain self-safety.

2. Washing your hand, wearing masks or face shields, and maintaining a physical distance of 2 meters is the best way for your protection.

3. Drinking more glasses of water is one of the best ways to keep your body fit.

4. Petrol pumps, package cargo, ATM machines do not cause infection. Just wash your hands and live a normal life.

5. If you do not have corona patients at home, you need not use disinfectant spray often.

6. You may lose your sense of smell with many allergies or viral infections. It may or may not have any symptoms of getting corona.

7.  You cannot get this infection from the packaging cargo or ordering food from outside. Corona is not a foodborne virus like any deadly virus. There is no demonstrated fact that coronavirus spreads through food. It is a droplet like infection like flu. Wearing a face mask or shield is good protection.

8. Taking any medicine which is mentioned in the news but is not subscribed by a doctor to you is very dangerous and is not a good idea to prevent the infection. These experimented drugs should only be used if a doctor prescribes as they may cause serious heart-related issues.

9. When you reach home, you need not rush to change your dress or rush to take a shower.  Cleanliness is a virtue, scary thought is not a solution to this.

10. Washing hands is indeed our biggest return in investment along with staying 2 meters away from people, avoiding large crowds and wearing face masks or shields is a good practice and avoid close contact from others.

11. You can wash your hand with any soap and not a particular antibacterial soap, one must be aware this is a virus and not bacteria.

12. You cannot protect your meal with vinegar, ginger, or sugarcane juice, these are for immunity boost and not for cure.

13. You can walk in parks or any space keeping a distance from others.

14. Wearing a mask all the time may reduce oxygen level and interfere with your breath, wear it only when in a crowd. Wearing hand gloves is equally a bad idea as the virus may get accumulated inside or on the gloves and if you touch your face with gloves the virus will get transmitted. Better just wash your hand or sanitize at a regular interval.

15. Using face shields is the best option as it protects your eyes from the infection and is less suffocating than wearing face mask.

16. Having a good immune body is the best way to keep you safe from any infection. To have a good immune body please go out, do regular exercise, eat healthy food to boost your immunity. Live life more sensibly and fullest.

17. Always staying in a sterile environment is not good as it reduces your body immunity to pathogens. It's good to go out for a walk or exercise while maintaining distance from the crowd. Immunity is increased by exposure to pathogens and not by sitting at home and consuming sugary, aerated drinks, and junk foods.

Let us work smartly and spread awareness about this virus and maintain a healthy and safe environment.

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